Monday, March 30, 2009

Make It Monday! A re-cycled sofa.

Hi Lovies! Well- I SURVIVED. that's all I can say- not I came in first, or second or placed anywhere decent in the triathlon, but I am alive today! That was a much more difficult experience than I had anticipated ( I guess it didn't help that I only started swimming the week of the triathlon- real smart), but I have to say- I want to do another! The next time though- I plan to be a little more prepared!
Anywhoozie- I thought I would post some before and after pics of a sofa I found waiting by the curb to be picked up by the trash man.
This is the sofa "before"
Here it is stripped down...
And... here it is in my studio. I'm pretty darn happy with the way it turned out! Not bad for a free find-ehh?
Have a good one.
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1 comment:

farmhouse wares said...

I'm so impressed that you survived the triathlon. That's huge!!!! Enjoy your sushi. You deserve it.